Monday, February 21, 2011

And the winner is...

First, I want to say that I've thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your stories and posts for our "El Presidente" Presidents' Day Contest. We truly have some creative fans on our Facebook page, and I'm glad to have you all as customers -- seriously, I'd grab a margarita with you guys anytime.

Sadly though, like a U.S. President's term in office, all things must come to an end. With that, it's time to congratulate our El Presidente contest winner.

Please join me in congratulating our El Presidente contest winner:
Julie Cannon!

She chose Bill Clinton as the U.S. President that she'd share a margarita with, and frankly, I don't blame her one bit. Thanks to all who participated, and stay tuned for more contests from

Just as a reminder, all entrants' names were put into a random drawing application and that's how we selected our winner. If I had to choose from all of your stories, it would've been impossible to choose.

Thank you all very much, and Happy Presidents' Day!

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Anonymous Julie Cannon said...

Jim!!! I'm really hoping I'm the only Julie Cannon that entered the contest, I'm going crazy here. Been on two Cheap Caribbean trips and going on a third in April, now it looks like I'm getting to go on your dime next!! Giggidy Giggidy!! So how does this work??? Are you going to send me an email???

8:28 PM  
Blogger Caribbean Jim's Beach Blog said...

Julie!! Yes, you are the winner!! Congrats! Our Beach Experts will be giving details shortly so you will be one step closer to a margarita on the beach! Cheers!

3:13 PM  

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